Friday, April 5, 2013

The Habits of Happy People, Part Four.

Since I've now read this article about 7 times, it's given me a chance to think on other things that I do that make me a happier person and I thought they were worth adding to this list.

I don't do this in the traditional Yoda-use-the-force way. But when I'm giving a massage and there isn't any talking, I close my eyes and do the entire session by muscle memory. It's almost like I'm sleepwalking through the massage, by my energy is focused on the task. It's in this quiet state of mind that my best ideas come to me, so I've always called it my version of meditating. Even though my body is moving the whole time. I don't know if that counts?

Eat Well:
Yea, I'm working on this one. It's an ongoing struggle. (Just like with the next one.) I rarely eat fast food, but that doesn't stop my horrible sugar addiction which is the bane of my existence. Which is exacerbated by all the Easter basket candy we've got overfilling the house right now. Argh!

Another one that I'm working on. My motivation to exercise is a bit sporadic, which I am not happy about. This definitely needs work and time to form a solid habit. I've been good so far this month because I have an exercise plan and a challenge/competition with a friend of mine. I love some friendly competition!

Live Minimally:
Yea, no. I hate this one. Has anyone lived 'minimally' with a baby/toddler around? There's no way. Those little bundles of joy come with so much stuff! It's all I can do just to contain it in her room. As for the rest of my stuff, about 75% of it is passed down from my mom or grandmother and it holds a lot of sentimental value to me. I would never and could never give any of it up. I'm going to chalk this up to a total loss, and I will not "work on it."

My Own- Live Cleanly and Organized:
However, with all my "stuff" in a tiny apartment it's easy to get cluttered or disorganized. I've noticed that there is a direct correlation to the state of disarray of my living space and my stress levels. A clean and organized home calms me down. Much like exercising though, I only get motivated to keep my place in tip-top shape every once in awhile. It's a process. In fact, I think I'll check off a few things on my chore list now that I'm thinking about it. :)


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