Tuesday, April 2, 2013

All Happy Endings Start With A Beginning.

I read a lot of blogs. Almost obsessively, actually. I had casually mentioned that I should blog and a few people said, "Get on Twitter". Psh. 140 characters? No way. My brother got all the awesome one-liner genes. I'm much better at rants and tangents. I'm quite animated with my storytelling in person, so we'll see how well that converts to text. I've got a boat load of hobbies and interests so this blog is going to be all over the map. Apologies! I swear I don't have ADD. However, I cannot deny my quirky case of OCD.

I'm a massage therapist, mom, grammar Nazi, amateur cook/baker, tomboy trapped in a girly-girl's body and I have a teensy, tiny little holiday obsession. Not necessarily in that order. I'm a happy person (no, like really, I took a test and everything). I have a strong belief that a good sense of humor can get you through any situation. Even if I'm absolutely livid about something or someone, I like to at least present it in a way that will make someone else laugh. Eventually, I'm going to be laughing about it too. I'm super opinionated, I swear freely, and I generally say all the terrible crap that y'all were thinking anyway. Sooo...if you're easily offended then you've stumbled onto the wrong blog. Feel free to email me about your hurt feelings, and I'll send you a snarky little message back and might even feature you in a blog post in the near future. :) Cool!

But really, the general gist I'm going for with this blog is to amuse others, vent, cure some boredom, dish out a bit of advice with some brutally honest common sense, post some pictures here and there of some stuff I do, and do the totally unprofessional thing of giving you the inside peak into the not-always-glamorous life of a massage therapist. Here's a sneak preview: Mud rolls. Yea. Not cute.

Also, if you notice any heinous spelling or grammatical errors PLEASE email me! I freaking HATE THOSE THINGS! I will promptly KILL IT and then give you your well-deserved shout-out. I'm never too proud to get schooled by someone and I'm always looking to learn. And since we're best internet friends now, send me awesome big words (verbs and adjectives, please) to casually drop in my posts. 'Cuz that's the kind of nerdy shit that I think is fun!


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